Sunday, August 9, 2009

i didn't know the world could be so cold.
i didn't know a human could hurt so much.
why do people hurt the ones we love they much.
I'm heartbroken.
i was cheated on.
it's do fucked up.
i want to rip my heart out and eat it, puke it up and let my cat eat it, then let him puke it up, and eat his puke which is made of my puke.
pretty sick huh?
i don't know what to do.
or say.
it's...she wants me to forgive her, but every time i look at her i think of what she has done.
things will never be the same again.
i want to cry till the tears won't come.
i know i sound like a lonely sad sack, but its the truth.
i speak from my heart.
what do i do?
i feel so guilty, yet I've done nothing wrong.
is it normal?
i don't want to forgive her, but i do.
i can't be with her anymore.
things will just be awkward.
i'm angry and hurt and sad and lonely all at the same time.
just make the pain go away!

Monday, August 3, 2009


I hate getting sidetracked.
cuz then it's like... you know?
see i went to camp.
and when i came back i didn't feel like doing this whole thing anymore.
the blog i mean.
but it's not just that i didn't feel like it, it's that i got lazy. =(
well, here is what has happened in the past month.
the day before i went to camp, i broke up with my boyfriend.
then i went to camp where i basically worked as a CIT instead of being a camper.
when i got back i got a girlfriend.
and now i'm here.
not much has happened.
i am a very boring person. =/
that has to be fixed.
am i boring?
well i like this song it's all like :
Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
cool right?
i know. so i stumbled across an amazing word.
awesome right?
also a poem took me by surprise.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys* got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other,
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to arrest the two dead boys,
If you don't believe this story’s true,
Ask the blind man he saw it too!
very peculiar.
thats about it.